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What is good governance?

Emma Laycock

Good governance is crucial to the effective operation of co-operatives regardless of size, legal form or business sector.

The key to a successful co-op

Governance is, to put it simply, all about how running a business. And good governance is about running a successful business. It's about people and performance; policies and processes; rules and regulations... and lots more.

It's the same for co-operatives, but with a good twist. Co-ops exist to serve the needs of their members. And they're founded on a set of values and principles which set the agenda for a different, fairer and better way of doing business. So good governance has to encapsulate those fundamental elements as well. 

Code for good governance
The code is a fantastic tool to help chart what good governance practice can look like. The accompanying resources cover key roles and responsibilities, codes of conduct, induction checklists and more.
Did you know?
Co-operatives UK has been helping co-ops with their governance needs for more than two decades.
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The wheel of good governance

To help with your governance, our Co-operative Governance Expert Reference Panel has created a great resource. It depicts the key areas of governance that should be in place within a thriving co-operative businesses. They are:

Governance wheel
Wheel of good governance
The wheel of good governance
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