Booster Fund – pre-grant support

If you are not quite ready to apply for a grant from us to prepare a share offer, you can apply for pre-grant support to help you.
The Booster Fund is committed to diversity and recognise that different communities have different needs and do not all have the same access to expertise to realise their ambitions.
We are aware that before applying for the Booster Fund, some communities will need support to:
- Understand community shares
- Understand the co-operative or community benefit society (legal form needed to raise finance using community shares) or need
- Define and develop their plans
If this might be you, then we are offering pre-grant support. This means we could pay for up to four days with one of our advisors to work with you to explore your options and plan your next steps.
How to apply
To apply, complete a simple form on the next page and we will be in touch.
You do not need to have found an adviser to work with, or have identified exactly how support you need. But there is space on the form to let us know details of your situation.
We are particularly interested in helping early-stage projects from communities that might otherwise struggle to progress, including:
Racially minoritised communities
Communities facing systemic inequality
Unrepresented or excluded communities
Organisations with diverse leadership or strong equality impact in their activities
Younger people (under 35)
Organisations actively tackling the climate crisis
Examples of support include
Exploration of legal structures and help with governance and registration
Mapping stakeholders and early community engagement or member recruitment
Exploring options and planning next steps
Fundraising strategy and strategic planning
Peer support and visits to other organisations using community shares
Valuations, surveys and legal advice
Setting up digital systems, information management, financial management
Setting up a basic online presence and early marketing / community outreach
Defining the project
Developing a business plan
Scoping overall capital needs
Financial modelling

Apply to the Booster Fund

Support for community shares