General/continual responsibilities
Keep a Register of Members at the registered office
The register must be kept in a bound book or in some other way that allows for precautions against falsification and detection if falsification occurs. The register must include:
- Members’ names and postal addresses.
- When they joined and (if applicable) left membership.
- Class of membership (if the company has different types of membership).
The names of former members cannot be removed from the register until 10 years after they ceased to be a member.
If the company has more than 50 members and the register is not alphabetical, an alphabetical index must be kept indicating where to find each member’s name in the register (the page number, or the date under which it is listed).
Keep at the registered office or alternative inspection place a Register of Directors
The register must be kept in a bound or unbound book, or electronically, provided it can be printed. It must contain:
- Full names, with forenames in full
- Any former name or names by which the person was known for business purposes
- Service addresses
- Nationalities
- Dates of birth
- Business occupations (if any)
- Date elected or appointed as a director and ceasing to be a director
Companies House must be notified within 14 days of the appointment or election of a director on form AP01 (if the director is an individual), retirement, resignation, death or removal of a director on form TM01 or any change in a director’s name, service address, residential address, or any other particulars entered in the register on form CH01 (if the director is an individual). Companies House must be notified on form CH01 within 14 days of any change in a directors’ service address or usual residential address.
It is good practice for a company to maintain its evidence of a directors’ consent to act in the company register. This is not required to be filed with the AP01 but the box on the form must be checked to state that the company has received the specific director’s consent to act. The register must be open to members free of charge and to the public for a fee.
Maintain a confidential Register of Directors’ Residential Addresses
This includes the director’s usual residential address or a statement that the director’s usual residential address is the same as the service address in the register of directors at the company’s registered office.
Keep a Register of Secretaries at the registered office or alternative inspection place
For applicable companies (those with a secretary of having previously employed a secretary) this register must be kept in a bound or unbound book, or electronically, provided it can be printed. It must contain:
- The name of each secretary
- Any former name or names by which the person was known for business purposes;
- A service address
- Date appointed and date of ceasing to be a secretary
Companies House must be notified within 14 days of the appointment of a secretary on form AP03, termination of appointment of a secretary on form TM02 or any change of details on form CH03.