
Trading address:
Dalton Hall Business Centre
Dalton Lane

An employee owned business, Savant enterprises is a high quality IT Development and Consultancy organisation that takes an engineering approach to software development. On the 4th July 2001 the employees of Savant Group took over the company from the retiring founders in an Employee Buy Out. The company is now owned by Savant Group - Employee Benefit Trust to which all eligible staff belong.

The Employees Own Savant
Why Not a Management Buy Out?

The existing management team acknowledged that the main assets of the company go home every night. Without the good will and co-operation of the staff, Savant could not provide the levels of service and support we believe our customers have a right to expect - after all we charge them for it. So the idea of an EBO was born out of the spirit of co-operation - but not necessarily of a co-operative.The current structure and ownership is therefore a two-way street. The company gains commitment from the staff and encourage their involvement,