Youth Advisory Group

Find out all about the Co-operatives UK Youth Advisory Group.
Co-operatives UK is on a mission to inspire and support the next generation of co-operators to help secure a sustainable future for our movement and society. In March 2022, we launched a new strategy with empowering young people as one of its core themes.
Our new Youth Advisory Group aims to give a diverse group of young people the opportunity to have a real input into how Co-operatives UK operates, as well as helping shape our growth.
The young people selected represent a diverse range of co-ops and co-operative organisations including Coalville CAN, Allie’s Art Club, Midcounties Co-op, Hoot Credit Union, Co-op Group, Co-op College, Co-op Foundation, Co-op Party the Young Cooperators Network.
Meet the Youth Advisory Group
- Mya Badhan – Co-op Foundation
- Ellie Ormsby – Co-operative Party
- Harry Jerome – Coalville CAN & The Co-operative College
- Molly Newhouse – Young Co-operators Network
- Esther Bird – Youth activist
- Hamaam Shire – Youth voice advocate
- Lydia Rosen – Allie's Art Club
- Victor Agbontean – Co-op Foundation
- Ayesha Di'Angelo – Midcounties Coop
- Ivan Brosnan – Co-op Young Members' Group
- Rob Morrisey – Hoot Credit Union & Co-operative Party
The role of the Youth Advisory Group
Advise and enrich
Young people bring new perspectives to our work; provide valuable insight; generate new ideas; and challenge our way of thinking. The Youth Advisory Group will shape what we do to ensure it aligns with the needs of young people. Members of the Group will work alongside us to champion youth voice and advocate for meaningful participation within the co-operative movement.
Advocate and engage
Young people today are facing an uncertain future, where climate anxiety and job insecurity are major factors in their lives. While we know that the co-operative movement offers solutions to enable a fairer future, many young people are unaware. A key role of the Youth Advisory Group will be to advocate for the movement, spreading the word about co-ops and promoting the values of co-operation within youth networks outside the movement.
Find out more
Sign up for email updates or keep an eye on the Co-operatives UK social media for updates about the Youth Advisory Group: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram

Report: Offering Hope to Future Generations

New report: Co‑operatives help tackle mental health and employment issues experienced by younger people