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Training: Co-op secretary II: Putting your learning into practice


Start date / time
Thursday 27 June 2024, 10:00am
End date / time
Thursday 27 June 2024, 4:00pm
Co-operatives UK, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS
£160 + VAT for members of Co-operatives UK £220 + VAT for non-members
More information
[email protected]
Organised by
Co-operatives UK
Event type
Co-op Secretary 2: Putting learning into practice

Join Dane Pollard and Zena King from Co‑operatives UK for this in-person training on Thursday 27 June from 10am‑4pm. 

About the training

We understand that the role of a co-op secretary is complex. After the success of last year's training course, we are continuing to run an in-person session to provide further support and practical training to anyone who has previously attended our Essential Co-op Secretary training.  

This further training will equip you with a suite of practical plans covering every event in an annual governance cycle. We will also ensure you have the knowledge to deliver on all your responsibilities as secretary of your organisation.

IMPORTANT: This training course does not cover the essential skills required to be a co-op secretary. It is designed for those that have previously attended our Training: Co-op secretary I: The essentials and looking to put their learnings into practice. 


  • This training course will take place in-person for 6 hours
  • There will be a number of practical exercises where we’ll support attendees to create their governance yearly plan
  • There will be an expectation to engage in discussion on governance themes, solve hypothetical (and real) governance problems and consult constitutional documents to evidence the planning decision-making
  • Refreshments and lunch will be provided

How much does it cost?

  • £160 + VAT for members of Co-operatives UK.
  • £220 + VAT for non-members. Co-operatives UK members receive 30% off all paid events – plus LOTS more benefits. Learn about Co-operatives UK membership.

Interested in attending Secretary I and Secretary II

  • Get a discount when booking onto both training courses at the same time
  • Email [email protected] to make your bookings and gain the discount
  • £180 + VAT (discounted from £225) for members of Co-operatives UK
  • £262 + VAT (discounted from £305) for non-members. Co-operatives UK members receive 30% off all paid events – plus LOTS more benefits. Learn about Co-operatives UK membership.

What attendees will learn

  • How to actually do the job of being a secretary
  • The things to think about and when to think about them
  • What falls within a secretaries remit and how to ensure nothing falls through the cracks (…by planning everything in advance)

Who should attend

  • Those who have completed the Co-operatives UK training: Co-op secretary I: The essentials course at least 3 months ago.
  • Experienced secretaries that have not attended the training: Co-op secretary I: The essentials course can contact [email protected] to check if the course is suitable as a stand-alone.

About the trainers

Zena King is a Senior Governance Advisor at Co-operatives UK - a Chartered Company Secretary with more than ten years’ experience of co-operative society governance and an academic background in Law; she was Co-operatives UK’s Society Secretary for five years.

Zena is accustomed to guiding a non-executive board through discharging its responsibilities and effective decision making; being accountable for regulatory compliance and implementing corporate governance best practice. Zena has supported boards in developing strategic plans, policies and processes and has direct experience of leading internal audits and gap analysis exercises.

With experience of effective governance systems that facilitate member ownership & control, Zena can offer practical solutions for co-operatives to bring together corporate governance best practice and the co-operative values & principles. Zena is also an accredited data protection practitioner and, alongside supporting our members, leads our own work to ensure compliance with data protection legislation.

Zena has practical experience in the boardroom too – she sits on the board of Projekts MCR and is a former director of Co-operative and Community Finance.

Dane Pollard works in our Advice team and is the first point of contact for all governance and legal enquiries. Dane specialises in providing advice and guidance to new start co-operatives and mutuals looking to incorporate and supports all types of co-ops with their governance arrangements, processes and policies.

Dane also acts as account manager to members that have set up in the last two years and provides guidance to them on all aspects of their governance calendar. He has many years of experience dealing with customers in the retail sector as well as clients in the corporate world.

Cancellations policy

Any cancellations made within 28 days are subject to full payment with no refund. Name swaps and deferrals can be made free of charge until the day of the event. Please contact us via [email protected] to discuss.