Platform co-ops – your route to an ethical digital business (webinar)
Discover how platform co-ops can put power and profits in the hands of service providers, rather than tech giants.
Job insecurity and precarious working have proliferated with the rise of digital platforms like Uber and Deliveroo. Meanwhile, the tech giants behind digital platforms dominate markets and make huge profits.
But there’s a fairer alternative: platform co-ops. Join Co-operatives UK’s Petra Morris and Ludovica Rogers for this one-hour webinar. Petra will introduce the session and Ludovica will explain how platform co-ops put workers in control of a business, providing better conditions and fairer pay. They will be joined by guest speakers from platform co‑ops:
Signalise – a sign language interpreting service that uses a digital platform to connect its members: Deaf people, BSL interpreters and service user organisations
Open Food Network UK – a co‑op of co‑ops whose members collectively own and control an innovative software platform they use to trade the food they produce
Platform co‑ops are democratically owned and controlled businesses that use an online platform or mobile app to trade, connect people and pool resources or data. They’re built on co‑operative principles and values that ensure the business:
- Truly responds to the needs of its community
- Embeds equity and social purpose from day one
- Has a growth model that does not involve giving up control to external profit‑driven investors
Next steps
- Our Step by Step tool is a great free resource to help work your way through the steps of planning and starting a new co-op:
- Are you planning to start a co-op? We can offer up to six days of tailored support with a co-op expert to help you get your co-op off the ground
- Discover the power of co-ops with our series of FREE webinars:
Co-operatives UK and The Co-operative Bank supporting fair and ethical business together.

Start a platform co-op