Apply for the International Year of Co‑operatives 2025 logo

Fill in this simple form to access the International Year of Co-operatives logo.
Co-operatives UK has successfully applied to use the International Year of Co-operatives logo on behalf of its members.
Members of Co-operatives UK can access the logo and assets by filling in the form below. We need members to complete the form so we can track logo usage, which has been created by the United Nations and International Cooperative Alliance (ICA).
Non-members will need to apply to use the logo to the International Co-operative Alliance directly.
- Find out the benefits of Co-operatives UK membership. We will heavily feature our members throughout the UN Year in press and marketing campaigns, as well as sharing free resources including a storytelling guide, video and social media assets.
- Apply for the logo via the ICA.
By signing up you agree to receive information from Co‑operatives UK. We will never share your email address or any personal details with third parties. You can unsubscribe from these updates at any time. Read our privacy policy.