Kettle of Fish

Trading address:
9 Atholl Place
FK15 9AQ
Education and Learning, Digital

At Kettle of Fish we are developing the world’s first platform for pre-school children using Machine Learning. Our team are well established entrepreneurs and developers with decades of experience creating award winning content for children.

We are developing AI Buddy which runs in the cloud and can be plugged in to any new or existing game. As each child plays and learns, so does AI Buddy. This means content can be delivered accordingly for each child and provides the means to tailor education on an individual level.

For parents, we have designed and developed the Learning Buddy that shows a real-time dashboard of their child’s development, abilities and skills. As those children become adults, all that gathered data will provide valuable insights into education globally. It will also allow us to see the benefits of using gaming as a learning tool.

So, 20 years from now, by the single act of play, children around the world will have created the purest AI to ever exist. One that has learnt from human leaning, not from a programme made to simulate human thinking.